The aim was to present the new recommendations for the surgical center, in the face of facing SARS-CoV-2. This is an integrative literature review, carried out in three databases Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online. Through the Health Sciences Descriptors: Perioperative Assistance, Perioperative Care, Atención Perioperativa; Coronavirus Infections, Respiratory Syndrome, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2; Surgical Center, Surgicenters and Surgical Centers; Best Practices Recommendation, Practice Guideline, Clinical Practice Guide. Database searches were carried out from March 2020 to March 2021. The articles extracted from the PICo research question: What were the changes that occurred in the Surgical Center in the face of COVID-19? We resulted in eight scientific articles. Among the new recommendations found, new practices were highlighted for: the reorganization of surgical procedures, the safety of health professionals, the organization of the OR, postoperative recovery and the cleaning and disinfection of the OR. The new recommendations described in the literature can direct care towards the professionals working in perioperative care, as well as towards safe and quality patient care.
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