The aim was to identify in the scientific literature the best nursing practices related to the use of a chest tube in an adult Intensive Care Unit. This is an integrative review with consultation of the Latin American Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, Nursing Database, Online Medical Literature Search and Analysis System, Scientific Electronic Library Online, PubMed, CINAHL and EBSCO. Studies published between January 2014 and December 2018 in English, Portuguese and Spanish and available in full of full texts are included. Those with pediatric patients and duplicities were excluded. 133 studies were identified that gave rise to five articles analyzed. Of the selected articles, 80% corresponded to international studies; 40% published in 2016 and 60% with quantitative analysis. The categories of good practices with chest tube, complications related to chest tube, and use of a care protocol related to chest tube emerged. Therefore, the use of care protocols in the use of chest tubes and evidence-based practices contribute to the improvement and quality of nursing care for these patients.
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