Qualis/CAPES  B4 (2017-2020) Google Scholar   Citations: 788   |   h‑index: 12   |   i10‑index: 22   |   h5‑index: 57   |   h5‑median: 8 Impact Factor  SJIF: 3.138 (2021)
Female homosexuality: vulnerability in comprehensive health care for women
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Female Homosexuality
Woman's Health
Nursing Care
Health Promotion

How to Cite

do Nascimento Gouvêa A, Alberti Cordovil M, Gomes Pereira N. Female homosexuality: vulnerability in comprehensive health care for women. Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];2(Spe.1):e96. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/156


The aim was to analyze how the care centered on Brazilian homosexual women is carried out in the field of comprehensive health care for women. Integrative literature review research, carried out in five databases, in two languages. The search resulted in 489 articles, of which nine were selected for the research. Prejudice, discrimination, and fragmented care by health professionals are a set of factors that directly influence the care and access of this population. Despite advances in public health policies, female homosexuals still face a lack of visibility and prejudices that impact their quality of life. The importance of research and training focused on this population is emphasized.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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