Qualis/CAPES  B4 (2017-2020) Google Scholar   Citations: 788   |   h‑index: 12   |   i10‑index: 22   |   h5‑index: 57   |   h5‑median: 8 Impact Factor  SJIF: 3.138 (2021)
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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Figures and tables must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission of studies is through the OJS Platform after the registration of the corresponding author.
  • The file for evaluation should be attached, do not have the data of the authors and the opinion of approval of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP), when necessary, should be attached. The studies that do not need the opinion of CEP approval are: experience reports, integrative and systematic reviews, reflection studies, letters to the editor and bibliometric studies.
  • Only the presentation of the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Assessment (CAAE) is not sufficient to comply with the norms of the National Health Council (CNS) Resolution No. 466/12 that deals with researches with human beings, being necessary the proof of the approval of the CEP and annex of the document.
  • Along with the manuscript, all authors of each study must complete, sign, and attach the Declaration of Copyright and Responsibility in the submission, since after publication, all copyrights of the studies will be protected by Global Academic Support.

Author Guidelines

The submission of manuscripts to the Global Academic Nursing Journal must comply with the following 2024 standards:

Editorial Policy

Manuscripts submitted to the Global Academic Nursing Journal must not have been published in any other journal, or be in the submission/evaluation procedure in another journal, whether national or international. Studies deposited in preprint repositories can be accepted for effective publication, after double-blind evaluation by AdHoc Reviewers and the Editorial Board.

Studies that present identity with the focus and scope of this journal, relating to Health Sciences, with emphasis on Nursing and Medicine, will be accepted for evaluation. According to the applied scientific methodology, the following will be sent for double-blind analysis by the AdHoc Reviewers and Editorial Board: reviews, original studies, experience reports, reflection/perspective studies, previous notes, intervention projects, bibliometric studies, reviews, protocols etc.

At the time of submission, through this platform, it is necessary to register, generating a login and password, and inserting the complete information of all study collaborators, such as: full name, e-mail, one (01) link institutional with State and Country and ORCID. The study must be submitted in doc format. or docx.

The studies should be adjusted according to the opinions of the reviewers. In case of initial rejection, due to non-compliance with the norms, the authors will be able to adjust and adapt, in accordance with the requests of the Editorial Board, and make a new submission.

Section Policy

The studies are published from the following sections:

1. Editorial: through invitation. There is no peer review.

2. Letter to the Editor: questions, statements of opinions and fostering discussions based on a certain current theme and which the author wishes to direct to the Journal's Editor. There is peer review and Editor's response.

3. Original Article: studies referring to research with data collection, either in the field (with the due approval of the Research Ethics Committee and local institution) or from documentary / epidemiological data made available to the public (documentary research). Studies with collection of up to 5 years were accepted for evaluation. There is peer review.

4. Experience report: report of the experience of a certain circumstance, fact or phenomenon, without exposure from the given institution. Studies of facts that occurred within 5 years were accepted for evaluation. There is peer review.

5. Review: studies from bibliographic research with systematized methodology, such as: integrative review, systematic review, scope review, etc. Studies with a search of up to 5 years were accepted for evaluation. There is peer review.

6. Protocol: studies referring to the presentation of the methodology to be applied in a future study. There is peer review.

7. Reflection: studies with reflections / perspectives on current events. Priority will be given to studies based on theories of nursing and medicine. There is peer review.

8. Review: studies that include critical reviews of certain written and / or audiovisual scientific materials. There is peer review.

9. Previous Note: studies in the format of an expanded abstract, with the presentation of the opinion of the Research Ethics Committee and expected results. There is peer review.

Ethical Aspects

Along with the manuscript, all authors of each study must complete, sign, and attach the Declaration of Copyright and Responsibility in the submission, since after publication all the copyrights of the studies will be protected by Global Academic Support.

Only the presentation of the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Assessment (CAAE) is not sufficient to comply with the norms of the National Health Council (CNS) Resolution No. 466/12 that deals with researches with human beings, requiring proof of approval by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) and document attachment.

Studies with a data collection date greater than 5 years, as well as the date of the CEP opinion, will not be accepted.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

We are totally against all and any copy, plagiarism and unauthorized reproduction, being used in each study received the evaluation of the CopySpider software (https://copyspider.com.br/main/) to verify possible similarity with content already available. The percentage allowed is up to 4%.

Evaluation of Manuscripts

Submitted manuscripts are pre-evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, in order to verify that the guidelines, norms and recommendations for the elaboration of research with human beings, ethical, structural and developmental aspects were followed. If so, 02 (two) evaluators are selected, AdHoc Reviewers, designated based on the specialty and theme of the study for the double-blind evaluation. After the evaluation, the document with the requests returns to the authors to deal with the necessary issues/changes, followed by the Editor-in-Chief's verification of the compliances and issuance of the final opinion and continuation of the publication process. In case of refusal, the authors receive the justification and study with the due issues, being possible a new submission to follow the evaluation process from the beginning. Focusing on transparency and ethics, download the Assessment Tool.

Study Processing Time

The average processing period for studies is 6 months, ranging from submission to publication of the study.

Good Editorial Practices

We value transparency, ethics, scientificity, biodiversity, and we adopt the policy of open and free access to the studies published here.

In view of the rolling pass modality, there is no suspension in the process of submission of studies. follows the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE (https://publicationethics.org/) promoting integrity in academic research and its publication with regard to the management of conflicts of interest, misconduct and practices, continuing education for editors and staff, ethical supervision, among others.

The Global Academic Nursing Journal has signed, agrees with and supports the recommendations of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which establishes good practices for the evaluation and publication of scientific articles in journals.

Preparation of the Study for Submission

All studies must follow the order:

1.Title: in bold and centralized.

2. Abstract: structured in a single paragraph, without topics, in up to 200 words, containing: objective, methodology, results / discussion and conclusion / final considerations.

3. Descriptors: presentation of 05 (five) Descritores em Ciências da Saúde - DeCS (http://decs.bvs.br/) in the three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

4. Introduction: in its last paragraph, the objective of the study must be presented, as well as its guiding question.

5. Methodology: respecting the ethical aspects of research with human beings and all the systematization surrounding scientific research and writing, using the Equator Network Guidelines (https://www.equator-network.org/):

Randomized trials: CONSORT (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/consort/);

Observational studies: STROBE (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/strobe/);

Systematic reviews: PRISMA (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/prisma/);

Study protocols: SPIRIT (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/spirit-2013-statement-defining-standard-protocol-items-for-clinical-trials/);

Diagnostic and prognostic studies: STARD (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/stard/;)

Case reports: CARE (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/care/);

Clinical practice guidelines: AGREE (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/the-agree-reporting-checklist-a-tool-to-improve-reporting-of-clinical-practice-guidelines/);

Qualitative research: SRQR (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/srqr/);

Quality improvement studies: SQUIRE (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/squire/);

Economic evaluations: CHEERS (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/cheers/).

6. Results or Results and Discussion (at the discretion of the authors). In the case of the experience report modality, in place of the "Results" section, the "Experience report" section applies.

7. Conclusion or Final Considerations (at the discretion of the authors).

8. References (following Vancouver Style standards, prepared by the International Medical Journal Editors Committee (http://www.icmje.org/), appearing in numbered form according to the appearance in the text, in an increasing and consecutive form, in Arabic numerals, superscript, without parentheses and before the period. References must contain 80% of studies published up to 5 years ago.

Journal Article: always give preference to the presentation of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the study. In the case of more than 06 (six) authors, the six collaborators are presented followed by a comma and et al.

Exemple 1: Marta CB, Silva WBH, Côrtes EMP, Machado TO, Francisco MTR, Silva PO, et al. Title. Glob Acad Nurs. 2020;1(3):e52. https://doi.org/10.5935/2675-5602.20200052

Exemple 2: Marta CB, Silva WBH, Côrtes EMP, Machado TO, Francisco MTR, Silva PO, et al. Title. Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2020 [acesso em 14 jan 2020];1(3):e52. Disponível em: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/94/104


Exemple: SURNAME, X. Title. 1. ed. City: Publisher; year of publication.

Other examples can be consulted through the electronic address: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/

9. Acknowledgment: optional.

10. Funding: funded studies must present this section with data from the project and the respective institution.

Exception 1. Protocol and Prior Note: should be divided into: Introduction, Methodology, Expected Results and Final Considerations.

Exception 2. Reflection / Review: has no section. It is presented in plain text format, with the categorization at the discretion of the authors. Mandatory to have Conclusion or Final Considerations.

As these are scientific articles, scientific and systematized writing is mandatory, in addition to following the steps of the methodology chosen for each study, as well as the spelling and syntax rules of the Portuguese language.


Arial or Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5 cm, margins 2 cm must be used and the text must be justified.

Citations must be presented at the end of each paragraph or quote in superscript form, without parentheses and in consecutive Arabic numbers.

Example 1: Study1 held in Mato Grosso do Sul presents the variables [...].

Exemple 2: The variables must be evaluated based on the determinants [...]1.

Exemple 3: The variables must be evaluated based on the determinants [...]1,2.

Exemple 4: The variables must be evaluated based on the determinants [...]1-3. (making reference to the use of number references: 1, 2 and 3).

Exemple 5: The variables must be evaluated based on the determinants [...]1-3,8. (making reference to the use of number references: 1, 2, 3 and 8).


Do not use abbreviations in the title and / or abstract and limit their use in the text.

Names of registered drugs, devices and other products

Use non-proprietary names for drugs, devices and other products and services, unless the specific trade name of a drug is essential to the discussion, always using the ® symbol.


Restrict tables, charts, graphs, photos and figures to those necessary to explain and support the argument of the article and report all the results identified in the Methodology section. Number each table, table, graph, photo and figure and provide a descriptive title for each one, as well as its source. Make sure the data is reported consistently as supplementary material to the text, without repetition.

Important 1: tables present qualitative data.

Important 2: tables present quantitative data.

Important 3: graphs present qualitative and quantitative data.

Important 4: figures taken from other documents must present the page.

Important 5: figures, charts, tables and graphs prepared for the given study do not need a source.

Important 6: figures, charts, tables and graphs prepared based on another document need a source of adaptation.

Important 7: photos will only be accepted with brief signed authorization from the patient or guardian.

Processing Fee

For full papers: No fee is charged for submission/evaluation of studies. After acceptance, for studies submitted from January 15, 2023, a processing fee of R$ 940 (BRL) for Brazilian authors and € 220 (EUR) for international authors is charged, which includes the translation of the manuscripts.

For expanded abstracts: There is no fee for submission/evaluation of studies. After acceptance, for studies submitted from January 15, 2024, a processing fee of R$800 (BRL) for Brazilian authors and €150 (EUR) for international authors is charged, which includes the translation of abstracts.

Processing fee payment will be given from bank transfer or pix for national authors and transfer by exchange agency for international authors. The corresponding author receives all the complete information by e-mail when there is a positive opinion after the double-blind evaluation.


Third-party translations will not be accepted.


After acceptance, no changes to the article, as well as the metadata, will be possible. If an errata or retraction is required is required, a fee of R$ 400.00 (BRL) will be charged. Given the communication with the journal, it must be done immediately when detecting any possible error or misconduct by the study carried out.


In case of accepted article and with payment already made by the authors, if the publication is withdrawn, the amounts will not be refunded.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.