Qualis/CAPES  B4 (2017-2020) Google Scholar   Citations: 877   |   h‑index: 13   |   i10‑index: 26   |   h5‑index: 60   |   h5‑median: 8.5 Impact Factor  SJIF: 3.138 (2021)
Demystifying nursing staffing
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Nursing Staffing
Patient Safety
Nursing Workload
Quality of Health Care
Human Resource Management in Health

How to Cite

Silva EP da, Sousa RP de, Muraoka SM de O, Garcia LM, Fernandes PA, Marra FA. Demystifying nursing staffing . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 19 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];4(Spe.1):e385. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/547


This study aimed to demystify nursing staffing, elucidating the main difficulties faced by professionals in its implementation and highlighting the importance of effective planning to ensure the quality of care and the health of workers. This study adopted the bibliometric research method, using the Web of Science repository, and analysis considering Resolution No. 543/2017 of the Federal Nursing Council. Ten studies were selected, presenting a comprehensive view of nursing staffing in different care contexts, addressing various factors that influence this process, and pointing out solutions, management technologies, and good practices to improve the allocation of professionals. Flexibility in staffing approaches not only optimizes the use of available human resources but also contributes to reducing adverse events and promoting a safer and more efficient care environment.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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