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COVID-19 and workers' health: standards, general issues and potential impacts of changes in smell
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How to Cite

Viegas M de FTF, Galante EBF, Villela NR, Waissmann W. COVID-19 and workers’ health: standards, general issues and potential impacts of changes in smell . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];4(4):e384. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/527


The aim was to analyze the impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the world of work and its consequences in the fields of worker health, and public and collective health in dialogue with the relevant legislation. We present an Academic Essay, which addresses elements related to Occupational Health and Safety in the fight against COVID-19. To contextualize the topic, we highlight the vast number of cases and deaths, with Brazil being one of the most affected countries, normative aspects, and the physical, mental, and labor consequences of olfactory dysfunctions resulting from this infection, with a focus on the progressive dismantling of the Unified Health System. Health that made it possible, in a relevant way, to face the pandemic, as it was public and universal. This essay also addresses the burden faced by workers in the face of olfactory changes, a pressing and predictive symptom of COVID-19. Given this premise, we were able to contextualize and shed light on the precariousness of work, the potential risk of unemployment and, highlight relevant impacts on health, as well as suggest emergency actions in pandemics. The text therefore reinforces the importance of updating health legislation regarding disease control, precarious work and discussions that mediate the imperative need for normative production, which involves worker health and safety.

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