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Chiari Malformation: experience report
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Magnetic Resonance Imaging

How to Cite

Paulino RA, Mascarenhas ACF, Anselmo BA, Oliveira IR de, Araújo IVG, Rosa Neto JS, Reis SM, Melo SC de O, Oliveira TMFC de, Paulino AR. Chiari Malformation: experience report . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];4(Spe.1):e371. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/512


The aim was to produce an experience report about a patient with several disorders related to Chiari syndrome type I, also addressing other findings found in her. The patient described in the case was previously diagnosed with Arnold-Chiari Malformation type I, which is characterized by the existence of an ectopia of the cerebellar tonsils, which are located underneath the foramen magnum. Such a patient meets all clinical, laboratory, and imaging criteria for this pathology. Type I Chiari Malformation is the projection of the cerebellar tonsils towards the foramen magnum. This projection compresses the brain stem and spinal cord; Therefore, the cranial nerves are affected. It is worth mentioning that there is partial or total obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct. It is concluded that Chiari I, as it affects the cerebellum and adjacent structures, brings general symptoms, which makes diagnosis difficult. Efforts must be aimed at improving effective surgical techniques that reduce complications and sequelae for the patient.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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