This research aims to identify the most frequent failures that occurred in the medication administration process according to the experience of the nursing team. It is a qualitative field research. The methodological design was carried out in 5 phases: Phase 1: authorization from the institution and, later, submission to the Research Ethics Committee; Phase 2: validation of the data collection instrument; Phase 3: presentation of the Informed Consent Form to the research subjects; Phase 4: data collection itself. A questionnaire containing 20 questions was used as an instrument; Phase 5: data analysis. The most common types of drug iatrogenesis were related to medication dosage. The adverse events cited that pointed out as the cause of inappropriate behavior on the part of the nursing team was negligence, as drugs not administered by the team, often who prepares is not the same who administers the medication. Among the causes for failures to occur are overload and lack of attention.