The aim was to carry out research regarding panic disorder (PD) and its association with anxiety attacks and other factors, related to the increased occurrence of disorders that are associated with stress today. Integrative bibliographic review, in which the selection was made in an integrative and systematic way, for analysis and writing. The diagnosis of PD is essentially clinical and, advantageously, it is made early so that treatment can be started as soon as possible. Through bibliographic research, three types of treatment for PD were identified: psychopharmacological, psychotherapeutic, and combined, which combines the two isolated types. Therefore, when comparing the isolated treatments with the associated treatment between them, it was observed that the combined treatment demonstrated greater effectiveness. This literary review sought to characterize panic disorder and its attacks, in addition to demonstrating the effectiveness of treatment for a better patient prognosis. In this sense, non-pharmacological treatment associated with pharmacological treatment demonstrated greater benefits when compared to its isolated types of clinical management.
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