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Historical conceptions of the construction of contemporary psychiatry: a theoretical reflection on transpandemic care
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Mental Disease
Psychiatric Reform

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Braga Pena B, de Oliveira Scala Dias F, da Fonseca Moreira IR, Gonçalves Dohler IC, Rosa de Souza Soares J, Silva Soares L, Santos Teixeira MA, Corrêa Nunes T, Bicalho Pereira F. Historical conceptions of the construction of contemporary psychiatry: a theoretical reflection on transpandemic care . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];3(Spe.2):e285. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/401


The aim was to analyze the historical context of ancient and current psychiatry and the repercussions in the pre and transpandemic period. This is a reflection study, with a descriptive and critical-reflexive character, based on Pinel's theory of “Moral Treatment” in the context of the treatment of patients in asylums that are considered alienated. For development, three categories were listed, such as Psychiatry and Pinel: history, Psychiatry in Brazil and COVID-19: mental health and the future of psychiatry. The changes arising from the pandemic context triggered several psychological shocks in the population that complied with the quarantine demand. It can be highlighted the increase in the level of stress, anxiety, depression (the latter increased by 25%, according to the most recent data from the World Health Organization), psychological trauma, anguish linked to grief and other fears related to death and unemployment. When we talk about the pandemic, the fear it brings increases levels of anxiety and stress in healthy individuals and intensifies the symptoms of those with pre-existing psychiatric disorders. Thus, even with the publication of some reports on local health care strategies, more comprehensive emergency guidelines for this pandemic scenario are still not known.

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