Medicine, in its beginnings, was based on knowledge based on historical reports and personal experiences, which still persists today. The modern concept that opposes empiricism is Evidence-Based Medicine, which serves as a basis for clinical decisions. The aim was to discuss the relationship between science, empiricism and good care prognosis from an experience lived in a hospital environment. This is an experience report of a descriptive and critical-reflexive nature, carried out in a medium-sized hospital in the Zona da Mata region, in Minas Gerais. Data were collected through anamnesis and analysis of the medical records of a 53-year-old male patient with Fournier Syndrome. The situation of vulnerability in which the majority of the population living in rural areas is found is an aggravating factor for the emergence and poor prognosis of the pathology, highlighting the difficult access to information, precarious housing conditions and scarcity of treatment and qualified resources. . Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the importance of new research in the area, to develop specific and methodological knowledge in order to build an adequate and effective strategy for patients with the disease.
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