This is bibliographical research with a qualitative approach and descriptive character, which has as object of study the nurse working in the ICU, which aimed to identify the possible strategies used by nurses in the prevention and control of infections related to the central vascular catheter in the ICU. As a methodology, articles published in a virtual database were used. For this purpose, the Virtual Health Library database platform was used, in the LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE and SciELO databases, with a time frame from 2008 to 2018. The morbidity and mortality rate related to disability in the management of CVC is worrisome due to the non-adoption of infection prevention and control strategies. Regarding patient safety, it is essential that there is a continuous assessment of the implementation, to identify whether the strategies were sufficient for professionals to assimilate the content of the protocols for patient safety. It is concluded that nurses need to master theoretical-scientific knowledge and technical skills in handling the CVC to provide patient safety, taking care to put into practice the strategies shown as possible means of preventing and controlling infections.
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