The aim was to develop several professional skills that result in aptitude for development in the professional environment in health services: public, philanthropic, or private. The professional nurse, inserted in health work, must adopt an innovative posture, be critical-creative, and aware of their responsibilities. For this, the development of general skills, during the supervised internship, provides opportunities for the association of theory with practice. The student needs to develop all the skills, and for this it is essential that they have theoretical and practical classes linked to the Supervised Curriculum Internships (ECS) in different health services. Therefore, the present work is an experience report, built from the experience of a teacher and a group of students from the internship of the Nursing Course of a private college in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario in Child Health and Adolescents, in the tenth period of graduation. Through the students' reports, the expressions insecurity, fear of personal and family contagion, limitations in approaching patients, were frequent.
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