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Humanization in a major emergency: nurses showing their practices in care quality
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Humanization of Assistance
Emergency Nursing
Health Quality Management
Quality Management
Health Services

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Domingues da Silva Junior M, Vianna I cristina, Pinto Oliveira S, Figueiredo de Andrade Donola S, Amaral de Souza T, de Rezende Bessa Guerra T, Chaves Fernandes V, Telles Rodrigues I. Humanization in a major emergency: nurses showing their practices in care quality . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];2(3):e151. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/221


The aim was to analyze the strategies used by nurses in the quality of humanized care directed to patients in the urgency and emergency sector. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, based on a semi-structured interview carried out with nurses from the risk classification unit of a Municipal Hospital of the Unified Health System, being a reference as the largest in urgent and emergency care in Latin America, located in Rio de Janeiro. Of the 16 respondents, there was a predominance of females with 10, between the age of 14 they were between 30 and 47 years old, between the marital status, 7 were married, between the time of performance, 9 participants were from 8 months to 9 years, and 7 from 11 to 28 years in the profession. Three categories were chosen, which they named: The professional's understanding of humanization; The professional's perception of the National Humanization Policy and its main objective, and the strategies used for the quality of humanized care. Nurses understand about humanization and the purpose of the National Humanization Policy, as well as creating strategies from welcoming to teamwork to ensure the quality of humanized care.

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