Qualis/CAPES  B4 (2017-2020) Google Scholar   Citations: 983   |   h‑index: 13   |   i10‑index: 28   |   h5‑index: 60   |   h5‑median: 8.5 Impact Factor  SJIF: 3.138 (2021)
Community space for the elderly: preliminary results regarding quality of life and functionality
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Quality of Life
Muscle Strength
Health of the Elderly

How to Cite

dos Santos Silva A, Guiotti Calixto L, de Axeredo Siqueira R, da Costa d’Avilla J, Mafra Moreno A, Silveira de Menezes SL, Silva Guimarães F. Community space for the elderly: preliminary results regarding quality of life and functionality . Glob Acad Nurs [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];2(4):e194. Available from: https://globalacademicnursing.com/index.php/globacadnurs/article/view/170


The aim was to characterize the impact of the actions of a community space for the elderly on the quality of life and functionality of the elderly. Elderly people who were participating in weekly recreational, cognitive, and physical activities at least twice a week in a community center in Nova Iguaçu-RJ were included. The individuals had their quality of life assessed using the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire, handgrip strength assessed using a dynamometer, lower limb strength using the five-time sit-to-stand test, and dynamic balance and mobility using a dynamometer. of the 10-meter walk test (TC10M). Results in different domains of the quality-of-life questionnaire were superior to those described for the Brazilian population. The usual gait speed verified in the 10MWT was higher than the reference values ​​described in the literature, however the handgrip strength and lower limbs presented values ​​lower than the reference values. It is concluded that cognitive, social, and physical stimulation activities offered to individuals participating in the community center for the elderly contributed to the improvement or maintenance of their quality of life and mobility, although they did not have a noticeable effect on global muscle strength.

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