It is understood that the nursing team is a fundamental part in the applicability of the checklist, however, if it is not prepared or does not have the knowledge about the instrument, this assessment is compromised. In this sense, the lack of scientific knowledge of the nursing team on the topic of safe surgery can be considered as an adverse factor. Some difficulties can be found in relation to the application of the checklist, above all, the lack of communication is characterized as the greatest difficulty found for a better performance of the surgical team is in the team itself, which is responsible for maintaining a good relationship and, mainly, effective communication. Through this, effective communication provides humanization and builds care in a transformative way, resulting from the interaction between patient and co-workers. The team that works together with the purpose of applying their knowledge and skills in favor of the patient ends up preventing complications related to the surgical process that can be life threatening. The integration between the team, the reduction of the chance of errors and the active participation of the nurse are among the main potentialities of the checklist.