#1 for guaranteeing the scientificity of the journal
The double-blind evaluation by experts is one of the most important aspects of a journal, this aspect is what allows the title of a journal to a journal. In this way, the Global Academic Nursing Journal has an Editorial Board formed by Professionals from the World Academy who are a reference in Research, Teaching and Practical Practice, which is responsible for managing the journal and the articles as a whole; and the professionals included in the list of AdHoc Reviewers are the Specialists responsible for the evaluations carried out on the submitted studies.
We guarantee compliance with the Guidelines for Good Editorial Practices of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Open Science Movement and the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) based on the scientificity and management of all editorial processes, and data archiving with ethics, transparency and continuous improvement.
To those who are already part of the journal, whether as Editors, Reviewers, Authors and Readers, we thank you for your trust; and to the new ones, welcome!
This is Global.
Caroliny dos Santos Guimarães da Fonseca (Chief Editor) - Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Santander, Spain.