de Oliveira Florentino, A., Godoy Duarte, A.G. , Stefany de Melo Meira, C., do Amaral JĂșnior, I., Costa da Silva Perez, F., de Azevedo Coelho Furquim Pereira, T., Marques da Rocha Hoelz, C., Cabrare Menezes, D., Aparecida Braga de Oliveira, E. and Rodrigues Crivelaro, L. 2022. The role of nurses in the prevention of multidrug-resistant microorganisms in an intensive care unit . Global Academic Nursing Journal. 3, Sup.1 (Jun. 2022), e238. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5935/2675-5602.20200238.